Right now I am looking for exotic foods that I can either make at home or do not require any preperation (fresh produce). I found this recepe for rose petal jelly. I had never heard of it before and Iwant to try it out. The color os amazing.I also found lavender jelly, dandelion jelly, rose hip jelly, and this blog with other jellies. I find all of them really nice becouse they can be found literally in my own backyard!
Rose JellyDandilion Jelly
While browsing the internet I found two lovely food blogs. The first is Poor Girl Gourmet. It tells a lot about spending frugally (is that a word?) on food. The second,Taste Spotting, gives a wide range of food that is visable to you in the form of pictures. I love pictures.
Another thing, I will also start putting quotes on my blog each day. I have relized that it is unrealistic to think that I will post a long thing each day. Now Sometimes it will just be a quote on how I am feeling, other times it will be accompanied by other information.
Well that is all for now, I hope you all have a great Easter!
Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. ~S.D. Gordon